At Flux Global Club

We are dedicated to redefining the way you experience mobility. With a focus on innovation, financial prudence, and unwavering commitment, we have developed a platform that places you at the centre of a transformative automotive ecosystem. Our mission is to provide our members with unparalleled access to a diverse range of vehicles, ensuring that your mobility needs are met efficiently and economically.

Disclaimer: Car details are from third-party suppliers. Verify accuracy with your Flux Associate. Pictures are for viewing only and may not represent the exact product. Flux disclaims liability for discrepancies between provided information and the actual product.

Join Flux Global Club

By joining Flux Global Club, you become part of a community that not only understands your challenges but also actively works to address them. Whether you are a driver in search of affordable and flexible access to vehicles, a car owner looking to maximise the value of your asset, or an affiliate seeking a lucrative business opportunity, Flux Global Club is your trusted partner on this exciting journey.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: To help car drivers save money and car owners make money- Simple.
Welcome to Flux Global Club
where your mobility, financial growth, and success converge because, Your Interest Matters!

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